Monthly Workshops


Monthly workshops that range from sport specific - running, skiing, biking and other every day topics. For example: back pain, mind body connection, knee pain and skiers, the IT band, ankles and feet, etc.

Courses are held at Hilary McCloy Physical Therapy in Jackson, NH or streamed online.

Workshops run 1 hour.

WHERE: Hilary McCloy PT studion in Jackson NH

LENGTH: 1 hour classes

COST: $25

The first 3 are as follows:

  1. RUN SERIES: Foot and Lower Leg.  I am going to mix in running focused workshops off and on.  The rampant presentation of injuries in the foot and lower leg are why I am starting here.  They are an Integral part of the running gait and are are often missed in strength programs.  Also heading into winter, many runners spend more time enjoying sliding sports that can cause weakness in the feet/lower legs so I will help you plan to keep those muscles primed for running healthy in the winter and next spring.   If you want to learn more about this topic than this workshop is for you.   Thursday Dec. 15 at 6:30 in Jackson

  2. BACK PAIN:  A review of anatomy and muscles in the back.  Common causes of back pain and misconceptions of common medical back diagnoses - ie: a herniated disc is feared more than it should be.  An introduction to  ‘postural awareness’ and how it is key to reducing stress on the back.   Wednesday Jan. 18 at 6:00 pm in  Jackson

  3. An Introduction to the Mind-Body Connection and Neuroplastic Pain (NPP)" - a presentation and collaborative process with Lily Morgan (LMSW, CHT, PRT). Lily practices somatic psychotherapy and pain reprocessing therapy to heal chronic pain conditions in her clients.  Learn more at @bloomembodied.  Saturday February 18th at 4:00 in Jackson 

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